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01/19/24 10:37 PM

#70081 RE: Dingbatt #70080

Funny post. Google: ceo golden parachutes. Better entertained while learning and see a movie called "The big short". If you've seen it...see it again and then tell me how ceo's are suppose to behave. David is mild compared to the antics ceo's got away with leading up to the mortgage crisis in 2008. The big bank ceo's were responsible for the fixed (teaser)rates that doubled many home loan payments when the teaser rate ended and it went to a variable rate. Many home buyers did not realize their payments would double. They were of course told their rates would go from a fixed rate to a variable rate, but did not understand the payment ramifications. Foreclosures were rampant. The ceo's had golden parachute contracts and were well protected. They were signed contracts, therefore did nothing wrong. Try telling that to the families out in the street due to foreclosure. They may have a different opinion. Nonetheless, a contract is a contract. After seeing the movie and reading up on the mortgage crisis meltdown, then tell me what a bad guy david is running MULN. Anyone on ihubub was forewarned about investing in MULN for 2 years now. Many are jibberish smack talking with caps locks on, but imo Tenkay and I-glow were informatively helpful and resourceful. I posted red flags, but they had me beat. My hats off to those who posted on MULN ihubub good research with good intentions of helping others. Imo david's decisions and actions were transparent and he isn't as bad as people portray him to be. Investors simply made bad decisions and I feel bad for them. People ARE NOT stupid despite the cartoon I sometimes post for humor. We all simply make bad decisions from time to time. Sometimes you should simply consider appreciating what matters most to you...before it's gone. These words are spoken from the youngest child who's mother has been gone for 20 years. Below was my husky who passed away 12 years ago with a saying I believe in.