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01/19/24 11:45 PM

#9568 RE: gitreal #9567

You are terribly confused, Gitreal. Go back and read the entire PR from October 4th, I urge you.

SDRC then described 6 newly discovered stockpiles: 5 are from lode (denoted as SRL) and 1 is placer (denoted as SRP.) By the time the PR was released, the company already completed a series of collections, grab sampling, and had secured underground and surface rights.

The 5 x SRL stockpiles are the ones referred to in your quote which you shamelessly copied and pasted here out of context. These were known from the beginning to have been of underground origin hence the showcase of historical documents concerning the Knott and Delaware veins in relation to these. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize that the L in SRL refers to LODE!

The SRP-1 claim also described in that very PR (of which you carelessly left out) is of placer origin (Hence the P in SRP). This is also bonanza-grade ore and SDRC is focusing its efforts on capitalizing upon it this season, alongside and in addition to the vein material from Lucky Ben tunnel #2.

I understand that so much valuable ore magically being found and staked this year completely separate from the Lucky Ben project is blowing minds, as it is mine, but you guys need to get your facts straight before you go and claim that the company is lying or manipulating or whatever. It's one thing if you're bearish and want to make a case for that, but there's no excuse for dishonesty and disinformation.