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01/19/24 10:57 AM

#6832 RE: Stock_Barber #6829

well let's do a quick look art WHY issuers do this. I really do have to start an online class on YouTube t counter the Hans of the world and this Kristin fake

1) can they borrow from a bank with a line of credit backed up by stock?,,,NO... maybe if it was listed and over $5.00 but any risk manager would be fired if he approved this

2) can they do a simple Private Placement?...sure but they would have to FULLY DISCLOSE everything and if claims turn out to be fudged/inflated or numbers wrong...they are guilty of they don't go that route. The less Kris/Ham and Humming Spam know the better... BUY THE DREAM

3) can they go to a SEC registered BD and work on an ELOC? Sure. But most BDs will require serious due diligence and the Compliance officer will never sign off on this company based on past classic tell signs of fake LOI's...(they have an extensive check list of signs they must follow)

4) Do a Reg-A offering? Sure, but generally you can only go about 15% below current market price...What firm or investor would agree to purchase stock at a 15% discount once the filing is submitted to SEC for 30 day pre inspection? Once again you have to be specific AND while you are awaiting this 30 day notice (they neither approve nor disapprove but can require further information and start the 30 day clock over) and most importantly Reg A under Tier 1 requires the company must be current with all filings AND cannot be a developmental stage offering...GTII is a developmental stage company with NO REVENUES 3 years and counting so there goes this offering..Not to mention, Market makers usually lower their bids 15% when they know this is filed...(that part should be investigated by NAZ)

5) Offer a promissory note wherey by the company takes in say $100k for 12 months at 8% interest with a lender. Under these terms, if you do not pay the 108k back within months, the lender has the option of converting the note into stock equal at a predetermined price (usually the lowest price of the 30 days) and share amount and suddenly the company may have to issue stock at a huge discount and the lender is sitting on $150+ worth of stock. Now once this stock is in hand, would you HOLD long term or unload asap and make 50% on your $$ in one year ? answer is clear....and yet the sme companies will go back time and again because it allows them to keep the lights on at INVESTORS expense.. They blame the investors when its their own fault