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01/09/24 8:47 PM

#458273 RE: blackhawks #458270

At this point, they don't even care anymore because nobody is holding them to account. The amount of disinformation that has ramped up in the last 2-3 weeks makes 2016 look like child's play. They just say anything that comes to their mind and none of it is even close to anything factual. The knuckle draggers eat it all up.

Nimarata is no saint here either. She's said some of the stupidest stuff I've ever heard her say and when she gets called on it she goes to the old "you took me out of context" argument.

I could go on but the GOP have become the most craven bunch of liars I have witnessed in my lifetime. They don't stand for anything anymore aside from creating chaos and division within the electorate. They are fomenting more anger and hatred than we have experienced since the civiil rights era.

It's coming from so many directions that it's impossible to keep up with anymore.