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01/08/24 12:23 PM

#8463 RE: nram #8462

I remember in 2021 when Elon tweeted "Buy Signal" which he obviously was referring to the secure encrypted messaging app, Signal; but OTC degenerates didn't care at all and they found a company on the OTC's called Signal (OTC: SIGL) and skyrocketed that OTC stock 12,115% in just a couple of weeks. Stranger things have happened lol.

ECGR will be a big play eventually! It'll get "alerted" by some guru, the company will put out news or any number of other things will happen and this post split, new exciting merger in the AI space with NO baggies will soar very high soon!!! NVDA is breaking through some serious resistance today. Maybe that alone will give some people the confidence to take a rip at ECGR. That won't surprise me at all! I've been in the game over 20 years and I've seen just about everything!


01/08/24 12:29 PM

#8464 RE: nram #8462

All I remember

Elon tweeting Twitter could become the largest Financial Institution in the world...

800 million share were bought. Fuzzy math x 2:1 is 1.6 billion.

And memory serves that 1.5 billion exit divvys are owed ... in the scheme of things ...IPO?