Sharp picked that name way back in 2021. So, are we to believe there is a company coming in here on a reverse merger since 2021, just waiting in the wings since then? Waiting while Georgie stumbles through the whole cleaning up process of a shell that is still dirty? There are many shells available on the open market, clean ones, that any private blockchain company can choose from to go public. So, there is no logic to believe there is a blockchain company coming in here. Which leaves one of two alternatives:
1. Georgie designated a new name pending ticker change as just a place marker for the newly cleaned shell. At which point, he can sell the shell to an incoming company. The new name has nothing to do with the incoming company. It's just a place marker. I've seen this done before in custodianships and subsequent sale of the shells. This is a standard, although not necessary, practice.
2. Georgie planned to keep the shell since 2021 for himself and establish a zero-rev, start-up holding company. Like Forwardly. And later hand it off to another CEO when he retires. I think this is the most likely option.