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12/30/23 12:23 PM

#228489 RE: d0lphint0m #228476

She or you are welcome to block/ignore as that prev post stated!!

You 100% ignored EVERYTHING in that previous post--# 228460

You ignored the TWICE found guilty of stealing from shareholders
You ignored the Pestell "fired for cause" waste of shareholder equity
You ignored the RTT being "special access"
You ignored the very Dr you so adamently defend from "lies and slander"--that same person posting numerous "lies and slander" against other Drs

You only tried to spin the waste of millions $$, the waste of millions $$ FRAUD, and the waste of years of time--with some deflect about salary and some Sgt Schultz dodge about "haven't read this board in a year". Knowing FULL well EVERY 1 of those issues was NOT in this last year. And IMHO knowing full well about EACH and KNOW full well about each--but they 100% destroy any credible "defense" of the "dr"

So before You accuse others of being keyboard coward--look and see who "ignores" the issues??. Who uses dodge/deflect.?? Who tries to spin FACTS stated into "racist" or "cyberbully" or "cowardice" ??
You even state "you know the truth"--then be honest with yourself and present the whole truth. Not just your omit/deflect/dodge version.