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12/30/23 8:11 PM

#92416 RE: kbaz #92415

You know nothing!!!! Your "analysis is dribble!!! What DOES SFIO tax filing say...your so smart..please post them in evidence!! Ya, thought don't know crap nor can support anything. The world's premier financial database and analysis company (Dunn & Bradstreet) has financials you can look at. If SFIO was off by a lot from their OTC or tax financial disclosures...NZ tax revenue service would have had them fined into oblivion years ago. Lack of A US audit does not prove "falsehood" ....MOST OTC are NOT audited!!!!! Even if they are off by HALF....It's still 1000 times better bet than your huge debt fantasies!@
Your MMA joke..we KNOW how indebt they are!!! The only other long term poster on that site just post in response to you
"You are one wrong. Not one filing shows anything but tiny revenues and losses. No matter what you post will not change that fact. For over a decade they have failed to come close to any profit. That is why stock price is .000001. Keep trying to put lipstick on this pig. Still a pig."

Look at you posting just this Friday for KTRA around 9am you claim loaded up..which at that time was around .25. By three your saying " double up" end of day...0.16... down for the day. Trying to catch a short pump...TOO LATE!! BahaahhaahhI.. You're record is laughable