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Demolition Man

12/29/23 2:36 PM

#106713 RE: Truth and Transparency #106708

Truth and Transparency, if you think short selling does not exist you are a fool lol. I do however agree with your comments ( One cannot argue with facts) If anyone disagrees below what Truth and Transparency you are also a blind fool lol. I love this project and the wonderful people in the great state of Nebraska, but we deserve better than this. Mark and Jim just assume we are dumb country bumpkins and will continue to tell them ”Thank You Sir May I Have Another”?!?
And why wouldn’t they??

"Niocorp stock has plummeted from a merger that failed to bring capital into the company and resulted in giving nearly 1/3 of the company up for nothing. Then the company had to seek convertible debt financing (death spiral financing) from Yorkville to keep the lights on!"

This article should scare every law maker with a brain that something big needs to happen in America A.S.A.P!! How can congress not see what will happen to us if China cuts us off????

Since Mark and Jim have wasted so some much time working at other companies, pet projects, useless board of director positions that have yielded jack shit results could soon be passed over by another company that borders Nebraska. Mark Smith and useless Sims fucked around for so long we could be left in the dust. News Flash!! Wyoming is gaining ground very quickly on NioCorp!!