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12/26/23 8:40 PM

#457529 RE: livefree_ordie #457528

The democrats in the House have always been advancing bills, the Republicans are always turning them down. They took an impeachment vote on President Biden, and then they went on another unscheduled vacation.


12/26/23 8:41 PM

#457530 RE: livefree_ordie #457528

Need a tissue, move to Argentina, you have your libertarian.


12/26/23 9:04 PM

#457532 RE: livefree_ordie #457528

I believe you're a bit misguided. Maybe it was your upbringing or something you found later in life at the local bar but I think we are all a bunch of people who can get together on the same page. Your nonsense doesn't fly with me and I've given you lots of chances..

Libertarian my azz. You're just another one rooting for the orange turnip. It makes no sense to me but you do you....


12/26/23 10:47 PM

#457538 RE: livefree_ordie #457528

Usual culprits, the GOP House would not even put the Bill on the floor to debate. We could have had all this working for us the past 10 years.

The Gang of Eight was a bi-partisan group of eight United States Senators—four Democrats and four Republicans—who wrote the Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act of 2013.[1]

In June 2013, S.744 passed the Senate with a strong majority—68–32, with 14 Republicans joining all Democrats. The United States House of Representatives under Speaker John Boehner did not act on the bill, however, and it expired at the end of the 113th Congress.[2]

"We're either gonna get a bill," Graham said, "or have one hell of a fight."

Here are some highlights from the legislation:

Path To Citizenship And Border Security

Temporary status available to qualified undocumented immigrants when border security and fencing benchmarks are reached.

Require background checks, fingerprints, $2,000 in fines, pay taxes, prove employment and physical presence in U.S. before 2012, and a start at the "back of the line" to qualify for temporary status.

Permanent resident status available after 10 years, provided border security and employment verification "triggers" met; no federal benefits during temporary status; and applicant proves he or she is earning 25 percent above poverty line.

Status revoked if applicant commits serious crime, fails to comply with work, tax, and physical presence requirements.
DREAM Act Young Undocumented Immigrants

Create five-year path to citizenship for young undocumented immigrants brought by parents to U.S. illegally or in the country on expired visas.

Revamp Visa Programs, From Farm Workers To Entrepreneurs

Up to 10,000 new "start up" visas for foreign entrepreneurs who create a minimum of five jobs and raise a half million dollars from investors.

More visas for highly skilled foreigners with advanced degrees.

Increase the number of H-1B visas awarded annually from 65,000 to 110,000, in part to bump up to 25,000 visas available for those in science, technology, engineering and mathematics.

Eliminate "certain categories" of family immigration preferences, and eliminate diversity visa lottery.
Require business owners to use a Labor Department posting website to seek out American workers before taking foreign workers.

Establish low-skilled guest-worker program and new agricultural-guest-worker visa program that allows undocumented farm workers to obtain legal status.