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12/27/23 8:26 AM

#457542 RE: brooklyn13 #457521

I’ve condemned the WB settlements, repeatedly.

Yet you still won't accept that that's apartheid. You won't accept that it's an ongoing crime against humanity. You won't accept that the IDF maintaining those settlements and outposts which then become settlements, is Israel. You won't accept the reality that millions of people waking up every day and existing there, abused and humiliated and in fear for their lives under the guns of the Israeli occupation, is Israel.

No. Fuck no. That's not Israel. Israel is a vibrant, first world democracy.

Bullshit. The WB settlements are Israel, just like the Absentees' Property Law is Israel and the Nation State Law is Israel. Ben-Gurion is Israel. Sharon is Israel. Netanyahu is Israel. Meir Kahane... Avigdor Lieberman... They're all Israel. Conquest and expansion are Israel. That fucking ghoul Jonathan Greenblatt calling me an antiSemite is Israel. AIPAC intimidating, destroying or buying off half of Washington is Israel. You are Israel.

Your statement that you've "condemned the WB settlements, repeatedly" rings as hollow as Donald Trump saying he told everyone to protest "peacefully" on January 6th. Go on with your bullshit that you've "condemned the WB settlements, repeatedly". You've condemned anyone who condemns the settlements. The settlements are Israel.

One of the biggest disappointments of my life was the realization that given the might, other Jewish people would do to others, exactly what the Poles, and the Russians, and the Germans did to our own people.