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12/26/23 2:21 PM

#457483 RE: brooklyn13 #457480

Israel is not the only one being called out and you know that. This war must end. On humanitarian terms - like, stick a UN force in between.

Let's change the subject sorta. I've heard this argument or rationale before in that the circumstances and reality of this part of the world doesn't meet the standards of the idea of statehood and therefore two statehood. Stick a UN state making force in there as well.

Besides, I like you and you will probably like it ;):

Point of this vid is "The Propaganda Meme Map that never dies"

Points first map

No collective ownership, no legitimate deed of ownership and many areas of the map are uninhabited and uninhabitable

Land held by empires previously

Land acquired by trade/purchase

second map

Now Nation States demarcated

UN plan rejected regionally

What is the conditions for a healthy society? (main point forwarded answer just one/democratic ie not like authoritarian neighbor states)

third map

main point was it is mis-identified as Palestine when Jordan and Egypt ended up with it with no intention of giving it to Palestinians

green and white is misrepresented because white is relatively uninhabited

fourth map

after 67' war Israel controlled all the territory ie should be one color

failed state before it was born.. now two quasi states at war with each other Hamas vs PLO

land for peace repeated failures

last strong point about these maps is the missing context - no strong will on the part of Pal's to make a deal; to actualize these maps.