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12/21/23 6:33 PM

#270345 RE: jealmc79 #270343

“Has nothing to do with getting out of a garage.”

It has EVERYTHING to do with getting out of the garage.

The OTC is a dung heap. It’s the home of dirt bags and criminals. Big money scoffs at, ridicules, shits on, & rolls their eyes at, EVERY company on the OTC, and EVERYONE dumb enough to buy stock on the OTC.

When around people with real money, or who work at institutions with deep deep pockets, a person admitting to buying stock on the OTC is immediately discounted as a complete dunce at best (a criminal at worst).

Institutions write NO OTC INVESTING in their charters.

The police patrol the major exchanges. The OTC is a ghetto run by street thugs and cartels where the police don’t go.

(And yes, I admitted to one personal friend who’s a VC in Hong Kong (formerly Tokyo) that I owned KBLB. He thought I’d lost my mind).


12/21/23 7:10 PM

#270360 RE: jealmc79 #270343

"Going to the NASDAQ will definitely attract the shorts."

what i said:

"If the pps goes over a buck, a r/s wouldn’t be so bad…a 1/10 split…with the company in mass production, fulfilling contracts and
raking in decent revenues, the Nasdaq would be a great place to jump to"

there are a lot of companies that are struggling on the nasdaq....if kblb had done a 1-50 reverse split and jumped to nasdaq without having mass production, or revenue, yes, they would have been shorted...i said that...i also said i would have shorted it myself...mercilessly...

but with mass production, fulfilling contracts and raking in revenue, why would shorters target them?...shorters target stocks that are not doing well or look like they will drop on their own anyway...

shorters dont target a company thats growing, increasing revenues and is doing well...theres no need...too many crap companies to bother messing with good ones...

if you were a criminal looking for an easy target, would you rob the older lone person walking to their Mercedes or the "Rock" lookalike walking to his 1998 accord?...

risk vs reward...