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12/21/23 12:07 PM

#457164 RE: brooklyn13 #457163

America did arm the Taliban back in the 1980s, but then a Republican President wanted to push his agenda of stopping Russia's aggression in Afghanistan. Then that same Republican administration reneged on helping the Taliban build schools and infrastructure. Osama Bin Laden vowed to get his revenge upon America, and the Republicans told him to fuck off.

America did arm Iraq with its war with Iran to slow down their aggression in the Middle East and upset our oil partner in Saudi Arabia, back then the American Economy depended upon the free flow of that oil in the Hormuz Strait.

I know you always never want to mention all of the other angles that are being played out all of these regions. Life is not easy; you seem to think everything is black and white.

Everything is messy, both here and abroad, welcome to a world of 8 billion people, that is why you always need a skilled politician in the White House, not a "B," actor in Raegen, or now a failed businessman like Trump.

Nobody is rationalizing anything, but you never bring up the Palestinian's, remember them, they are the ones of getting killed in the 1000s.

Hama's is not favored in this discussion, but Netanyahu is not a very good leader either.

You think change of leadership is the answer, and next week you will claim something else. In other words, you're as bad as all of them, you have no real solution, just another change in leadership.


12/21/23 2:48 PM

#457170 RE: brooklyn13 #457163

brooklyn13, Again you get it me and this board all wrong. You say

"Didn’t America arm the Taliban and provide Saddam with munitions for his war against Iran at one point? And who can forget Iran Contra?
These kinds of screwups/ terrible decisions apparently happen frequently, although you seem not to notice when it involves not- Israel

when fact is we are well aware of those happenings, and much is on the board about them.

Your "although you seem not to notice" is nonsense. That's your strawman. Your saying we don't or haven't
dealt with stuff here is a broken record which has been too sympathetically dealt with before. No more.

Then, as per your norm, you use your strawman:

"It’s almost like you’re looking for a way to blame Israel in part for the attacks by Hamas, first with the tunnel
construction and now this. Was Boeing at fault because they built the planes that were flown into the WTC?

you are well practiced with such distraction. Then you say:

"I recommend the op—ed piece in today’s NY Times explaining how a change in leadership is needed
in both the PA and Israel. Trying to rationalize the attacks of 10/7, as you’ve been attempting , is sad.

Oh you do do you. Why not post a link to one you recommend. As you well know, if you have read any, but obviously choose to
ignore i have posted much about the failure of the Netanyahu leadership. The same on Abbas. For years, and recently on both.

Your recommending the NYT article will not deter me from posting it, if after getting there the feeling is to post it.


12/22/23 9:31 AM

#457223 RE: brooklyn13 #457163

You live on the fence, above the fray of every nation in the world that has the ability to move their political agenda forward. Almost every country in the world has had these aggressions at one time to another, welcome to life.