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12/20/23 11:47 PM

#41566 RE: Mojocash #41565

The only reason you don’t believe the 2020 results is because Trump told you not to. Nothing else.

What has Trump done that makes him a Dictator?

He’s only a dicktater to his cult.
To the rest of the country, he’s a sore loser wannabe dicktater.


12/21/23 12:25 AM

#41571 RE: Mojocash #41565

Right you don't abide by a duly elected Government. Instead you parrot the big lie that provides zero evidence of voter fraud.

Simply because your fearless Con leader is a Coward, has an ego mental problem, started to tell you of this big lie months before the election results, just in case he lost. Wanted to make sure he had already planted that big lie seed in the Maga brain.

You back people like 148 million dollar Rudy, Mike the fraud Lindell, other lawyers sanctioned, disbarred for bogus frivolous claims of voter fraud brought to Court.

Yet you ask if someone should abide by a Supreme Court that has Crooked Paid off Justices on it, with Justices that simply outright lied to Congress saying they would respect settled law, but turned around and over turned settled law.

I see you avoided the rest of my questions.

I want the Supreme Court to rule on law, not all the other arguments that have nothing to do with law.

I did answer you. He admires other dictators. Wants to be like them. He pardons his cronies like dictators do. He had his Attorney General intervened in a couple of cases of associates to help them out like dictators do. Labelling the press the enemy of the people is what dictators do. Encouring the arrests of journalists, an assault on freedom of the press.

Insisting Government officials express their loyalty to him personally. Hiring unqualified people, instead the qualification is you have to give a loyalty pledge to Mr Dictator.

Ukraine, give me dirt on Biden if you want weapons, Hello dictator.

None if this would be happening if not for Trump’s own actions and you give him a pass on everything, why is that? Why is it that he did no wrong?

Should he have returned the classified materials that he was asked too? Or should he have violated the subpoena that lead to the search warrant, that lead to the indictment? Was that weaponizing or Trump’s conduct? Which one?