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Diogenes of Sinope

12/16/23 2:09 PM

#41075 RE: louieforpar #41072

YES—And many others as well

Donald J. Rump Pays Court-Ordered $2 Million For Illegally Using Trump Foundation Funds

Ripping off and scamming the uneducated minions is a family affair!

Ivanka’s Trademark Requests Were Fast-Tracked In China After Trump Was Elected


12/16/23 2:30 PM

#41076 RE: louieforpar #41072

And the magat's just can't see this. orangedonshittypants created yet another false entity (think dwac-tmtg-ts) called 'official election defense fund' which never existed for a cause that never existed. He doubled down and two-fered the shit out of maga's. To the toon of 250 MILLION plus. Because people who support him are TOONS.

When a maga digs a hole deeper than their head and the sides start falling in, you're supposed to get out. Their hero orangefatface just fills the hole in and walks over them, picks the pocket of maga in the next hole and continues on.