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12/15/23 5:26 PM

#456766 RE: fuagf #456764

he was just dancing around the point that there is established motive for the heinous acts inflicted on israelis. Israel never does anything to lessen that motive, bombing defenseless people is never going to be a positive. then i pointed out that attacking the US (texas) by mexico is preposterous as they have no motive, then the scenario changed. Not unless you reach back to the 1840s; and realize that no one is slaughtering mexicans wholesale in texas at the present time like has been happening to palestinians for decades.

just pointing out that if one is going to toss out hypotheticals, you cannot keep adding stipulations unless you wish to appear as having made a ridiculous point. Calling me stupid for not agreeing with his horseshit doesn't land a punch on me. It evolved again into supposedly not believing israel has right to exist. Yawn. I don't support either side actually, except for my tax money that goes to israel for war machinery and that is not by my choice, but we live in a democracy so I accept it.

And as for calling texas america's gaza...