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12/15/23 4:37 PM

#36063 RE: Princess17 #36062

Who controls the issuance of all currencies and who operates and controls the central bank of India?:

India is a member of the United nations:

Who created the United Nations?:

It started as the League of Nations.
"1920 Founding of League of Nations by Woodrow Wilson, advised by Edward Mandell House, who had close links with John D. Rockefeller, Paul Warburg and J.P. Morgan, both of whom connected to the Rothschilds."

"The United Nations has always been intended to be the mechanism by which global governance by a wealthy elite will be achieved."

The United Nations is used to control its members. If the members of the UN do not abide by what the UN imposes, it will be punished. And the punishments are not good. It can include compete financial ruin.

The bank of International Settlements Is the central bank that controls all the central banks of the world. It is also Rothschild created and controlled.

Every central bank in the world for almost every country in the world is controlled by the same people. The currency for a country and the issuance of that currency is controlled by that countries central bank. The central banks are controlled by the evil cartel. The United Nations is controlled by the Cartel.

There is nothing that can be done that will go against the banks and their goals. If there is something that is done by a country that the bankers do not want they will impose sanctions or tariffs via the UN or they will destroy a countries economy via their central bank.

If India wanted to start a metals exchange it would be completely controlled by the Cabal. There is no way around that. If it were something that was being designed to counter the existing system or change the paradigm, the cartel would DESTROY it.

The bankers that own and control the world will do anything at any cost to maintain control of their evil system. NOTHING will be built in secret that will "topple" or change their system. They have complete control of everything and every country. If it happens they have planned it and it is under their complete control.

They own all the money. They own all the gold and silver. They control every country on the planet. If a country is going to do something out of line they will destroy the country. Financially or otherwise. They have their operative in positions of power in all countries and in all aspects of business.

Total control.

I am not worried about any "surprises" that are going to cause the cartel to lose control. If it happens, it is planned that way.

They own the world. It is all one huge system.

“Some even believe we (the Rockefeller family) are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as 'internationalists' and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure - one world, if you will. If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.”
-- David Rockefeller