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12/23/23 11:43 PM

#130472 RE: Lolo12 #130471

Todos Medical Announces Insolvency Proceedings in Israel
Press Release | 12/22/2023

WOWZA - Tollovid is now "burnt offerings" - simultaneously TOMDF's "books are cooked"

TOMDF will soon be BK, as it teeters on the proverbial edge of unreconcilable insolvency

also with the twice failed Stanford "Financial Engineer" CEO hack Gerald Commissiong being the quintessential "link" between TOMDF and AMBS...

it stands to reason that TOMDF going BK will have a significant adverse impact on AMBS

not to believe so would only enforce ones own folly and inevitable downfall

would you trust this man with your family's hard earned honest money...?

MOO sad


01/16/24 10:28 AM

#130474 RE: Lolo12 #130471

yo Lolol12

how stoopid can you be - what garbage...!

SMH - dookie in bambam is all you'll get from this ticker and its twice failed CEO hack...!

MOO shite