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12/14/23 11:36 AM

#134440 RE: Stockman1010101 #134439

I can't wait to hear CNBC and other Wallstreet news channels report that Ken Griffin and Adam Aron have been arrested for major securities and Wallstreet violations and FRAUD and for stealing $billions of retail investor money for the past 20 years.

FU AA and KG.
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Prudent Capitalist

12/14/23 11:45 AM

#134441 RE: Stockman1010101 #134439

Wow! Do you have any specific evidence to establish those wild claims? Any specific evidence regarding those bogeyman naked shorts, or that Citadel has any actual market exposure to AMC at all? Hope you do, as it would really be reckless to publish such wild claims in a public forum without having the evidence to back them up.

P.S. I thought the party line here over the last 2.5+ years was that Citadel is on the brink of bankruptcy and is going down due to financial losses connected to AMC, all evidence to the contrary?

The only reason Kenny Boy's HF appears to do well is because they got help from AA to destroy the AMC share value to steal 90% of AMC shareholders shares allowing kenny boy to keep 90% of our money he stole by devastating AMC share price with his nasty NAKED SHORTS since the nefarious RS executed BY AA like the Gastapo of Nazi Germany Commandant that he is.