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Chinese Ryder

12/12/23 10:35 AM

#45688 RE: Chartmaster #45687

And it left lots of bag holders in its wake. Because as proven yesterday, INTK is a scam.


12/12/23 11:08 AM

#45689 RE: Chartmaster #45687

I'd be careful, have zero sales, have no product, have no financials, still delinquent on disclosure, can't buy on certain platforms, yes will get a tiny run but then back in the toilet.


12/12/23 2:05 PM

#45698 RE: Chartmaster #45687

Do you really think this is a March 2022 kinda OTC season? Things have slown down quite a bit overall. I would LOVE to think we're in that kind of environment but I'm not convinced yet. Need the ones that had initial runs to start back up again imo.