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12/11/23 11:21 PM

#9687 RE: janice shell #9685

I think they are attending because they lost a lot of money and don't want to admit that yet. Not to themselves nor to the world. I think shame has a lot to do with it. So, they go where they feel like they will belong. Where they won't be made fun of or judged. Where there are others just like them. It's the same underlying psychology behind why people stay in cults. Or why people join nutso communities like the flat earth. To belong. Whatever the cause may be.

We know for sure why Pulte is attending. He's attending because he wants the attention. And he's getting it. He's trying to turn PHM into a meme stock and wants apes to buy it so they can vote him back on to the board of directors. I don't know if you know but he was removed from it. Either that, or so they can vote to remove the current PHM CEO Ryan Marshall, whom Pulte hates. Not sure why as the stock is at an all time high. He holds some dumb grudge against him. That's really it for Pulte. He's a silver spoon fed clown who doesn't know shiat about anything.

And we know for sure why Alexander Zarac is hosting the whole thing and charging these gullible losers $500 a ticket. It's to recoup his losses in BBBYQ. I believe he lost around $75K. He will be made whole and then some. Literally no other reason. It's a grift.

And Kais, well f*ck him. He's a nut who harasses people. I'm sure he'll see a piece of the pie too.

If you have the time: