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12/11/23 4:44 PM

#1492 RE: cottonmather #1491

I don't get it?

You and the metal salesmen have been saying the same things for DECADES! Laterally decades. And I don't get it?

Economic collapse
Dollar collapse
Bond Market collapse
Silver to the moon From 50-2000 dollars per ounce
Gold to the moon From 10000 to 100000 dollars per ounce
Silver and gold is a hedge for inflation

This has all been said throughout the 70's 80's 90's and all of the 2000's so far and what has happened? NOTHING!
Gold and silver certainly are not a hedge against inflation. Inflation goes up and up, gold and silver goes sideways.

I can explain to you exactly how the economic system works
I can explain to you exactly how the metal markets work and why they are and will be where they are at.

I have asked legitimate questions which you have answered NONE. All I get is "I don't get it"


If I don't get it why hasn't the dollar collapsed and only gotten stronger?
Why hasn't there been an economic collapse?
Why is silver still at 18 - 25 dollars per ounce?
Why doesn't gold stay above 2000 dollars when Bitcoin (Which has no intrinsic value) is at 40,000?

All you do is sit in your 50 year old beliefs. NOTHING HAS CHANGED! And I am the one that doesn't get it?!?! How about you don't get it and you've been fooled and you can't accept it.

It took me YEARS to break free from all the lies the metal salesmen spew. YEARS. But I finally learned. I am not a part of that cult any longer.

The reason Bitcoin has more value than gold and silver is because THEY chose it to be that way. Gold and silver will only be worth what they allow it to be. PERIOD. The economy will do what THEY want it to. There will be no collapse.

There will be a continued growth rate and a continued inflation rate just like there has been since 1913. That is when the debt based system started. There is nothing in the system that screams collapse. Inflation rises, then wages rise. Growth. That is it. Everything is fine.

I don't agree with the system. It is inherently evil. However it is fully functional.

As long as they can create enough debt (Which is money) To cover previously borrowed principle and interest everything will be fine.