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12/09/23 12:03 PM

#456403 RE: brooklyn13 #456401

The insanity of that statement sums up the world today. Please look the other way at Israel, sure it is a fascist apartheid state, but since it is not the only one in the world, it's okay that they keep slaughtering Palestinian women and children each and every day. Just look the other way when that happens, because the world is full of these kinds of countries.

Then this poster goes on state that since the world is imperfect, by citing some examples, then again look the other way as all of those abuses keep occurring.

This poster keeps forgetting that in America we just had a President for four years, his name was trump, and when atrocities were happening, he looked the other way. In Syria, you remember abandonment, how about the Kurds, when Turkey threatened to take the trump name down on one of his buildings. Saudi Arabia was referenced, but then an American President looked the other way when he was murdered. Shit, the list is endless, but remember to just look away when you watch women and children get slaughtered.

This poster keeps forgetting this is America, we were supposed to be a country that stood up for the Individual Rights of all Humans.

Maybe this poster forgets World War II, it was a long time ago, sure millions of Jews were slaughtered, but then millions more people all over the world died in that great war.

Then the United Nations was formed to address all of those deaths and find a new solution to resolve the differences of all mankind, all around the world. I remember the UN Charter, think it was done by that dear lady Eleanor Roosevelt.

Just think, just in time, tomorrow is the 75th anniversary of that great declaration of the world. All of the countries that pledged themselves to the solemn right of all human beings.

But again, like that last poster stated, just look the other way, because the world is not a perfect place.
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12/09/23 11:27 PM

#456450 RE: brooklyn13 #456401

" It’s like you feel Israel is somehow personally tainting you as a Jew. "

Oh? They aren't dragging the rest of us into this shit?

" Even if it is a fascist apartheid state, isn’t the world full of them? Isn’t America one?"

What an interesting gambit. I'll have to admit, I didn't have lunacy on my bingo card.

"Try being an out lesbian in Saudi Arabia and let me know how that goes"

Well, you'd have to discuss that one with Conix. Although apparently she isn't out, as it were. But I am adamantly opposed to any support for Saudi Arabia, or Nigeria. or Uganda.. or a host of other repressive regimes.