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12/08/23 11:12 AM

#36016 RE: pack10 #36015

It is all about contracted delivery prices.

The banks lose money on every dollar that silver rises above the contracted price.

The need to be able to get the price of silver down to the contracted price so they can by silver from the miners to fulfill the contracts.

So this not only involves the banks but the Govt and the miners as well.

The Gov can't impose the law on the banks for if they did the entire system would collapse. The banks rule the roost.

Every now and then they'll throw a nobody under the bus. But as far as stopping the manipulation, it's impossible.

I think that we have done a good job at educating people here on this board. An education is the key. We have to raise awareness. The 400 followers of this board is nothing. Think of all the people out there that believe all the metal salesmen! It is all a big corrupt game. How do we teach people? I have been frustrated about this for years. I do the best I can. every now an then there is a new follower here, and they all come in and say the same things. They say EXACTLY what the metal salesmen say. And the metal salesmen are in on it. They only want to sell metal.

I have shown the level of manipulation. The numbers are extraordinary. They are unimaginable. And there is no stopping it, because if they did the entire system would collapse.

I have no idea what else I can do. I think I have proven my point by now.

It is easier to fool someone than to convince them they've been fooled.