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12/07/23 4:21 PM

#456273 RE: brooklyn13 #456245

brooklyn13, I accept you could be justified in your "You seem to not know that there are left-wing Zionists and right-wing Zionists. By lumping them all together, as you do, as "the Zionists" you display a basic lack of comprehension about the situation. " as i have used the word Zionist loosely. However the many references to the anti-democratic nature of your claimed democratic Israel, and the many references to the continuing desires by the far-right zealots in Israel to a "Greater Israel" i have personally made should have clarified that for you. The continued expansion of illegal settlements in the West Bank, of course, clearly go to that. What is your position on the illegal settlements?

As for my not understanding the situation it would be clear to you from my posts that my understanding of Netanyahu's and his other far-right Zionists murderous mates are at present doing Israel great harm, if you weren't so bloody one-eyed.

Also that the untold suffering of innocent Palestinians and the ever-increasing anti-democratic nature of the Israel you so vociferously defend has always been at the center of my understanding of the situation.

As for your grouchy old man comment it's clear that's simply petty projection on your part.


12/07/23 7:47 PM

#456297 RE: brooklyn13 #456245

Oh and, seems haven't read the Hamas leaders in Qatar are not calling the shots in Gaza .

You're welcome.


12/15/23 8:35 AM

#456721 RE: brooklyn13 #456245

How American citizens lead rise of ‘settler violence’ on Palestinian lands
“They brought with them a set of progressive values and tactics that they didn’t see themselves as leaving behind when they came to Israel. Rather they saw themselves applying the toolkit of the left in the United States, of the social movements of the 60s and 70s. They hoped that these settlements really would be a city on a hill as a shining beacon to the rest of the world. This is really the way Americans saw their project in the occupied territories,”
That delusion was stripped away by the outbreak ...............................

.. there are left-wing Zionists and right-wing Zionists