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12/06/23 5:24 PM

#456197 RE: brooklyn13 #456193

Takes real balls to post something from Larry Elder. Please tell us just how many Palestinian children must die in this war before anyone says enough. I hate watching this play out from day to day. Lastly, nothing like an American trying to lecture someone else on the atrocities of a country toward indigenous people. In America we have been doing it for centuries.


12/06/23 5:53 PM

#456200 RE: brooklyn13 #456193

brooklyn13, You really are a crybaby playing the poor done by victim of whatever you choose.
And you are so caught up with emotion when you decide to vent that you repeat yourself, and lie ..

"You steadfastly refuse to answer for the crimes against the indigenous people in your own fucking country while lecturing us on how evil other places are. As I mentioned once before, you're like the wife beater who somehow has come to think you're in a good position to give others marital advice."

You know we have been there and done that regarding my posting on Australian injustice to our
indigenous people. Maybe your emotion has you temporarily forgetting, but i don't accept that.

You asshole, i do my thing as you and others do. You appear to even be too thick to realize that in not criticizing Netanyahu and
his murderous fundamentalist mates you are definitely not being Israel's friend. You are a Zionist friend, but not a friend of Israel.

brooklyn13, Where exactly did he conflate Jews with Israel. He didn't. He simply
said he is sick of you waving your Israel defensiveness around on this board.

Wake up. Jerk.