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12/03/23 11:38 AM

#776639 RE: Ace Trader #776633

lol. you guys are crazy but yes

the only way to convert jps is with the consent of the jps.

jps have anti dilution protection, which is why they are not technically worthless and in fact technically worth face value in a recap and release whereas commons in theory only have value if the enterprises are worth more than the spspa

which... tough to say there.

Fannie Heyyyyy

12/03/23 1:14 PM

#776647 RE: Ace Trader #776633

Liquidation rights = UP TO $50. Not, (just) $50.

Which Freddie preferred stock ticker symbol is this? Didn't see it posted.


12/03/23 1:30 PM

#776652 RE: Ace Trader #776633

Let me ask you....what "contract, (read as law)" is enforced, right now? Does the governments current law (HERA) give them carte blanche to conserve? Answer is yes. Did they cancel all rights of shareholders, including common holders voting rights? Answer is yes, and the key word is RIGHTS, as in contract rights. So this should tell you EXACTLY what rights that flyer gives you. If you answer none, you are correct! Because government stepped over every contract law, every shareholder right and even judicial review, to supposedly fix the GSE's.

Some have said govenment has a fudiciary duty to shareholders, not necessarily, not if they don't want to. They can hide behind fudiciary duty to the companies wearing their conservator hat, while slowly bleeding them with their regulator hat, all with zero input or consideration to all existing shareholders. They could litterally cancel the JPS tomorrow and say they needed to do it to conserve and release, and guess what??? The F'd up courts would back them, and you would find out to, if ya got 10's of millions to sue and 10 years.
JMHO and just keeping it real.

Remember, he who makes the rules wins the game, as long as they can keep the public convinced the said rules(laws) are on the up and up and not contrived to unfairly punish anyone or benefit any number of political groups. I know, it's insane! That's what we are dealing with. Currently,,a Mexican stand off for 15 years, because once release happens, many names will be named and the illegality of it all hopefully goes full blown exposed. This is why I THINK release will super benefit no one. Only the tail of the tape, stock price, which when the dust settles, will take off.


12/08/23 2:47 PM

#777134 RE: Ace Trader #776633

Be careful though! Many own the JPS really cheap, so that plays into the calculus of what CAN happen.