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12/02/23 4:05 PM

#249893 RE: DFRAI #249891

I will have to admit that I have had all of the covid vaccines and also the RSV shot....during Christmas of 2022, I did get Covid and it took me until mid Feb to recover. I was never sick from 2019 until Sept of this year I had the RSV shot and within 3 days had a terrible auto immune flare up which then triggered other problems with my back etc.....since I have other medical conditions that may have impacted me, it's impossible to connect all of the dots. In Oct of this year, I took the flu shot and covid shot, so who knows....but I have ongoing medical problems right now!

I visit my oncologist Dec. 14th and had 8 vials of blood taken (Dec 1st) to see if there is any connection, basically I told my wife that I will no longer take anything until I am clear on my current lousy feelings....

I really hope this does not affect my children and grandchildren....


12/02/23 4:48 PM

#249894 RE: DFRAI #249891

I did not think it is garbage - it is a fact that vaccines had xtra dna inserted in people via covid vaccines -

That is a bold-faced lie. PFE and Moderna used RNA and NVAX used purified protein. The article is alarmist garbage whether you believe it or not.