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12/02/23 6:16 AM

#776544 RE: Wise Man #776541

You're sitting on your plate called the "Secrect Account Plan," but unfortunately you can't see beyond the edge of your plate. That's why the saying "If all you have is a hammer, the whole world looks like a nail" applies to you.

Your strange and contradictory criticism that I have no idea about anything but nevertheless am a paid shill for hedge funds is explained by your particular situation described above. It is a mixture of paranoia and overconfidence/arrogance, which is why I have often compared you to Don Quixote, the "Knight of the Sad Countenance".

Don Quixote thought that the windmills he was fighting with his lance were actually giants. An evil sorcerer had transformed the giants into windmills to deceive him. But he, the Don, is not stupid. He's the only one who knows about the secret account plan and that it's all just a big deception ;-)