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11/28/23 11:48 AM

#105193 RE: Demolition Man #105184

I bought shares as low as NINE CENTS about ten years ago. We are nowhere near those lows.

With all due respect, if you are so miserable, why don’t you (and all the others who do nothing but bash) just get out??? Nobody is forcing you to stay invested. Either you are just spouting off out of frustration or some tiny part of your primitive brain (which we all have….it’s called fight or flight) keeps you hanging on because you believe this will be successful at some point.

I’ve seen you change your tone with the price fluctuations. Up and down. Lather, rinse, repeat. It is not helpful to just bash and bash. And I will stand corrected if anybody can provide a compelling argument of the value of constantly bashing. To be clear, taking a dissenting stance is not bashing. All the name calling and brutal negativity is bashing. Kind of like saying, “What a F@$&£¥# biatch she is” vs saying, “I do not agree with what she says or how she says it” when everyone is hailing her as the smartest, most eloquent communicator.

Please put yourself and the rest of us out of YOUR misery and either stop bashing (not dissenting) or sell and get out so you have nothing to complain about.

And before everyone piles on and calls me a pumper…

* I am not thrilled with the timelines and numerous missed deadlines. But I do understand that what we are really dealing with is SCIENCE and discovery and recalculations are a part of that. Also, whether anyone admits it or not, and despite what is being praised as a robust US economy in the rebound, there are still economic headwinds.
* I am not thrilled with the lack of communication. But I understand it COULD be due to restrictions on what CAN be communicated based on where we are with results and financing and other critical matters.
* I am not thrilled that my portfolio of NIO stock is down about 50%. But I also understand that all investing is risky and especially OTC penny stocks…which we were up until the Nasdaq uplisting.
* I AM THRILLED that we have the potential for something life changing with the investment in our Elk Creek gem. The fundamentals are all still there (and likely more than we has already made known to us!) and the timing is right to break the US dependence on foreign supplies.

So go ahead….pick me apart, DM. I expect it from you and many others. But I firmly believe that this mine will come to fruition and YOU will once again change your tone and hail Mark and Jim for being the ones who made it happen.

But what do I know?