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11/28/23 8:24 AM

#133692 RE: footballref-8541 #133687

" I am seeing this pop to pre-split $30 soon".
That is the same as saying AMC is going to $300 soon? How is that going to happen?
I love the idea but can you explain the mechanics of this statement?

Prudent Capitalist

11/28/23 12:46 PM

#133709 RE: footballref-8541 #133687

Hmmmmm.......Who "made $1.4B last quarter'? AMC had gross revenue of around $1.4 Billion in the last reported quarter, but it reported an adjusted (loss) for the quarter when special 1-time and non-recurring items were excluded. AMC was not operationally profitable due to its massive debt load and the large amounts of its revenue that had to go to pay just the massive interest payment on the debt. SMFH

The fact that they made 1.4B last quarter and has a current market value of 1.3B is absurd

Jimmy Joe

11/28/23 3:47 PM

#133722 RE: footballref-8541 #133687

We are seeing the price THEY want us to see. Post RS it should be $230-$300 or more.

They cannot face the fact that they messed up with $AMC and $GME. Both companies turning it around BIG post pandemic.

The pandemic was their opportunity to make tax free cash on bankruptcies. With many companies they did....... but the companies they bet the most against are rounding the into the stretch making huge gains........... Shorty bet the farm....... should never bet the farm even if the farm is rigged in your favor.

$AMC baby~!