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11/11/03 2:20 PM

#50390 RE: owd3 #50389

They sat on there hands and let it sit out there, hoping it might entice someone into buying.

Now THAT's funny!


11/11/03 2:38 PM

#50397 RE: owd3 #50389

I'm sorry. Maybe I am just stupid. If I am it's not likely I would know it so you'll excuse my ignorance.

You said,

Everyone of the longs knew the quote did not refer to Voice Nav from the moment it was posted. But that did not stop a whole slew of "who else has Voice Nav" posts!!

You see, you're saying that the longs knowledge of the true nature of the quote did not stop them from posting a slew of posts. It doesn't make sense that the "whole slew" included niz' posts. I thought you were just talking about the responses as the subject of your post was all the longs who didn't call out niz on his egregious error rather than the egregious error itself. Can you understand my confusion?

OK, so you're saying that you actually meant to include niz' posts in the "whole slew" reference. That makes four posts.

Here's what Webster has to say about a slew:

Main Entry: 4slew
Function: noun
Etymology: perhaps from Irish slua army, host, throng, from Old Irish slúag; akin to Lithuanian slaugyti to tend
Date: 1839
: a large number <a slew of books>

You see, I thought by your "slew" comment that you were implying there were a large number of posts claiming that the Gateway player must be the e.Digital design because it had voice navigation. That's why I questioned you about it. When I found only two, I mean four, posts even remotely touching on the subject I was having a hard time reconciling that with your comment.

That's all.


11/11/03 3:30 PM

#50427 RE: owd3 #50389

owd3, it appears that you are busy stomping ants while being lassoed by a boa constrictor. Carry on.