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11/15/23 9:13 PM

#774705 RE: kthomp19 #774695

Premature accumulation is a siren song of gse


11/15/23 9:45 PM

#774710 RE: kthomp19 #774695

That's some serious coin.

Unfortunately, you bought too early. The date of final judgment is probably 12-18 months away if the plaintiffs choose to appeal. And even if they don't, the final judgment wouldn't happen until 31 days after Lamberth enters judgment (the point at which the appeal window closes).

A settlement, however, could technically happen at any time and would instantly lock in who gets the award from the settlement. Holding the shares is not a bad idea in that light.

Kthomp, oh Kthomp. How the F do you post replies to a dozen threads in split seconds? Are you a bot? Do you have multiple instances open (my guess), and then hit 'go' on all... weird, I'd say... oh well.

1. Coin - yes.
2. Too early? Sure - if appealled, then said buyer will get a bump and might sell 1/2
3. Great call on settlement? (which is it, then) Sure - FNMAS could go to $25 and it would be sad to have missed.

What is your ballpark on settlement on Friday. Sure seems to me that the govt.

1. FHFA - Asked for a delay on the verdict out of the box (signalling something in the works)
2. Lamberth grants a one-week delay, after giving them 1 week to come to a split of the damages. Even though F&F had some hard-and-fast estimates on each's losses per the damages and damages + interest for Fannie. They had it figured out a while ago. It ain't hard.
3. Lamberth grants a 3-day extension to Friday this week.

Multiple choice on "settlement" vs. simply giving SHs the gory details on damages + interest (i.e. R&R / LoA)
a. < 1% (not happening)
b. 10%
c. 25%
d. 50% or more

My vote is b. 10% chance.


11/17/23 6:06 AM

#774873 RE: kthomp19 #774695

You (& others) have used the term "settlement." What could theoretically (or realistically) occur in this regard? Would it be settling for LESS than what the damage figures are? More? Less interest Fannie Mae JPS' are entitle to? More? PJI applied to Freddie Mac's JPS?
In essence, what would both parties be 'settling', unless you believe it is more of an agreement/meeting of the minds on what has already occurred?