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11/15/23 7:24 PM

#55227 RE: mr_sano #55223

I agree with the FACTS below from experts who know what they are talking about

Just like the made up "law of mother nature" the statement quoted below also gets basic physics wrong.

"they filled the vessel with oil that was static. Pipeline operates at 5mph flow velocity under churning turbulent flow conditions"

This is pure misdirection. The author would like you to believe that the AOT must also operate under "5 mph ....churning turbulent flow conditions". Nothing could be further from the truth.

If we use the TransCanada XL pipeline AOT installation as an example we can see the real story. The TC pipeline had a 36 inch diameter capable of moving 830,000 bpd. To accommodate that size line a skid of 4 AOTs was installed. Each of the four AOTs has an inside diameter of 36 inches. The whole point of installing multiple AOTs after each pumping station was to slow the flow of oil inside the AOT to allow adequate time for treatment to be effective.

Because the oil is flowing very slowly in laminar fashion through the AOT during treatment on an actual pipeline, the successful hydrostatic test at 40KV while the oil is static is more representative of actual pipeline conditions than one might think. This is a big deal.

I have long said that I thought the science was solid but that the engineering needed to catch up. I am finally at the point where I think that has happened. I'm looking forward to a full field test in the near future.



11/15/23 7:25 PM

#55228 RE: mr_sano #55223

More FACTS from the experts who know what they are talking about

The statement quoted below is just a dumb lie:

The CCP got a free scale model and didn't even reverse engineer it and sell back to US corps for .10 on the dollar...what an insult! QSEP crack management team didn't even ask for it back!

Referring to the AOT test in China, the author of this quote wants you to believe that the AOT was deemed so worthless that QSEP didn't even bother to "ask for it back" after the testing was completed. Furthermore the author claims that the CCP felt the same way and didn't bother to reverse engineer it.

The fact that the blue AOT 1.3Vx prototype that was tested in China is sitting outside their facility in Tomball Texas, for all to see, should dispel any notion that they left it in China. The contention that the Chinese could have reverse engineered the AOT and been using it if it had any value is also unfounded. I have personally spoken many times to the individual that provided security for the AOT on its way over to China, while it was there and on its way back. Security was 24/7. They were acutely aware of China's reputation for technology theft. To suggest otherwise is a particularly stupid lie that doesn't pass the smell test.

The "crack pundits" that offer up these dumb lies supply no proof...... of course.
