you either got married latter in life or are a lot younger than I Its 55 years and I'm 83 rand son in the IAa National Guard. His company just got sent to Saudie arbia. I always thought the Guard did the State. Not so aymore. Armed forces are to far under maned. Military except Marines are gone woke. He would be a 2nd semester Sn at Iowa ST in Civil Engineering. Thinks he will get back next July. The way thnigs are going I am worried but the Arabs don't like the Iranians so maybe he will be safe in Arabia. I have an CTG order in for AEM at the gap which should fill. Holding both FTCO and GORO I should have lightened up on GORO. I hold mostly PM'ss and oils ost pay div. As for FTCO it reached my max number to have so use its div to get others.