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11/05/23 11:54 AM

#19989 RE: AverageJoe #19987

Hey Joe; Re. BDPT emails to Robert Ellis should related to the business to elicit an answer during 'quiet time'.
Suggest that if some of the natural animal health & performance supplements can be used on race horses. I live 20 miles from Saratoga and Horseman are always under the gun of the New York Racing Authority.
I guarantee Robert will send you a yak, yak your ear off e-mail. :-)
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11/05/23 12:07 PM

#19990 RE: AverageJoe #19987

So let's get this straight. The company announced its plan to spinoff the division of LiveStock as a wholly-owned subsidiary in April 2023. In the May 10Q in the subsequent events section, it referenced Live as a division. In the next 10Q in August, Live is also identified as a division for the quarter ended June 30, 2023. Zero mention of any spinoff shares. Zero public disclosure. If the argument is no discussion because of the spinoff quiet period......

Then the company PRd in September that Live is spunoff (spinoff quiet period be damned) and now a wholly-owned subsidiary with new management and new directors who moved over from Bio. This spinoff information was violation of the spinoff quiet period?

Then in October, the company registered an offering of new BDPT shares to the public with ALL the required disclosures about its business. In that offering, they publicly identified Live as a wholly-owned subsidiary for animal and botanical products. There is NOTHING mentioned in the offering identifying any proposed spinoff shares for Live. There is NOTHING saying to potential investors that they will lose a large chunk of the value of their BDPT shares, but as a result will get some new allocation of Live shares in the future. That would be critical material information for a potential investor. Oh, wait, if the accredited investors read ihub, they would now about the awesome spinoff shares, right?

The claim that the company can't talk about this stuff because they're in a spinoff quiet period is just not credible. Spinoff shares were required to be explained in the registered offering. They were not. Case closed.

Oh wait, anything can be posted on the interwebs. I know the truth about BDPT.