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11/03/23 5:42 PM

#249624 RE: DewDiligence #249614

Dew- Thanks for the post on TERN's weight loss oral drug. The new oral weight loss drug candidates are many. Here is a summary of what I've been following:

Owner Drug MOA Comments

GSBR GSBR-1290 GLP1 Significant weight loss in 28 day Phase 1 (up to 4.9%)
VKTX VK2735 GLP1/GIP In phase 1- peptide
LLY orforglipron GLP1 In phase 3- No comment at last CC
PFE PF-06882961 GLP1 Small Molecule
NVO Rybelssus GLP1 Semaglutide- approved for Diabetes only but used off label
AMGN Not Named Undisclosed Probably oral version of AMG 133 which activates GLP1 but inhibits GIP
Kallyope K757&K833 Hormone New oral nutrient receptor agonists that stimulate the secretion of multiple appetite-suppressing satiety hormones
TERN TERN-601 GLP1 Management discussing this drug in combination- not competitive standalone?
PFE lotiglipron GLP1 Discontinued due to elevated liver enzymes

If I've missed an oral weight loss drug candidate, please reply to this post.

None of these drugs will match the injectables for amount of weight loss. However oral convenience is important and the most impressive oral drug so far has been Structure Therapeutics' GSBR-1290. The company (GSBR) basically has gone to a market cap of $3 Billion based on their phase 1 results. It's a high dose GLP1 small molecule GLP1 that seems to have very good tolerability. The question is what is the long term tolerability of this drug and whether it will plateau earlier than say a dual agonist. Viking's VK2809 should read out a phase1 study in 1st q 2024. Yes, VK2735 as a larger molecule dual agonist peptide will have a fasting component (not troubling IMO) but the addition of the second agonist (GIP) is postulated by VKTX management to improve tolerability and possibly plateau higher. I'm not expecting VK2809 results in 1st Q of 2024 to match GSBR results. Phase 1 studies really shouldn't be used to judge efficacy but the reality is they are today. In any event, I see GSBR and VKTX as having the proverbial "best in class hopeful" designation in this massive market opportunity. The other drugs on the above list may be commercial successes as well as the market is large but at this point, my money is on Viking. (see market cap of VKTX vs GSBR and consider all drugs in trials- e.g. risk/reward)

As a final comment, I still see the injectables as capturing the majority of the weight loss market with tolerable oral drugs capturing significant sales mostly in a lucrative long term maintenance roll.