What's wrong with bullshit artist rich "inYA pocket's" Inza?
Besides, Waco is nothing more than an address so they could get into the WDTX court. There ain't no one there, lol. Maybe they store the $12k office chairs there..
Vplm is a mirage. It's nothing more than lord Emu and his laptop, sitting in a booth at his pizza shop, in the hotbed of pennystocks scam central, Vancouver or at his home office directing Mrs Emu what and when to sell. The rest of the "crew" are just names and/or figureheads who get contacted by phone, email or text. There are no heads in headquarters. Maybe a dummy sitting in a chair with back to the front window, similar to the dummies ppl use in their cars so they think they can get away with using the fast lane. If you get too close it'll disappear cuz it's a mirage.