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Diogenes of Sinope

10/25/23 12:22 PM

#37549 RE: bull runs #37547

Most trumpets here are the maga/tmtg/dwac/trump poster children for both.

Undoubtedly trump will put you/them on his good list and throw all under the bus if seen fit.


A TRUE JUVENILE (70 years +) MORON ;


10/25/23 2:47 PM

#37554 RE: bull runs #37547

holy shit, Mark Meadows has been ratting out Trump to Jack Smith
plus: Jenna cries, Cohen testifies, and Ivanka tries

It seems that Mark Meadows — that poster boy for the entitled male dipshit — has been spilling his guts to The Guy Who Convicts War Criminals In The Hague.

Former President Donald Trump's final chief of staff in the White House, Mark Meadows, has spoken with special counsel Jack Smith's team at least three times this year, including once before a federal grand jury, which came only after Smith granted Meadows immunity to testify under oath.

Marky Meds, you’ll recall, was one of the chief shit-stirrers in the whole Help Help My Election Was Stolen conspiracy, telling anyone who would listen all about how eLeCtIoN fRaUd wAs RaMpAnT and he had proof and it was all going to come out and that Donald Trump would be restored to the throne back in the White House.

he wrote a whole f’n book about it. well, it looks like Meadows is singing an entirely different tune to the grand jury.

Jack Smith was all “so tell me about what it says in this book of yours” and Meadows was like “hey bro, what book? I told Trump like a million times that there was no election fraud. I said right to his face, man. literally one million times. if Trump thought the election was stolen, he sure didn’t get it from me.”

Michael Cohen finally testified in Donald Trump’s Big Fraud F’ery Trial.

Michael Cohen, Donald Trump's former lawyer and longtime “fixer,” confronted his ex-boss face-to-face for the first time in five years on Tuesday, when he testified that the former president personally authorized the fraudulent inflation of his net worth and property valuations.

that’s right, Donald Trump made a special trip all the way to New York so that he could glower and pout at Cohen.

here’s the big takeaway from Cohen’s testimony:

Cohen alleged that he and the company's former chief financial officer “reverse engineered” Trump’s financial statements to meet valuations that Trump “arbitrarily selected.”

got that? Little Donny F’kface would pull a number out of his ass, and then Cohen and the accountants would cook the books to make everything add up the way Trump wanted them to.

pro tip: fraud doesn’t get more fraudulent than that.

in pleading guilty as f’k yesterday, Jenna Ellis got a harsher deal than either the Cheese or the Kracken.

Ellis plea is a BIG deal. What is NEW, and NOT in Powell/Chesebro pleas, is a full cooperation requirement: obligation to meet with DA for interviews and to provide further statements, as well as of course to testify at hearings/trials.

which is exactly the way it works: the first folks to flip get the best deals. Ellis is flipper number four, and whatever subsequent deals are reached with the remaining Big Georgia Election F’kery co-conspirators will be harsher than the one Jenna got.

Ivanka Trump really, really, really doesn’t want to testify at her father’s trial.

Ivanka Trump is fighting to not testify in the ongoing civil trial accusing her father, former President Donald Trump, and the Trump Organization of fraud, asking the court late Thursday night to throw out the New York Attorney General’s subpoena for her to take the stand after she was previously dismissed from the case.

Ivanka has a novel argument:

Daddy says I’m his favorite and so I shouldn’t have to testify.

Letitia James is having none of it.

James’ team evidently issued already three subpoenas naming corporate entities tied to the former president’s daughter, and late last week, they indicated intentions to file a court motion to compel Ivanka’s appearance. Seeking to secure a judicial demand for Ivanka’s evident compliance with the subpoenas is in contrast to the other option of pushing for her to be held in contempt, with potentially serious consequences to follow, in the event of her refusing to show up.


10/26/23 9:02 AM

#37579 RE: bull runs #37547

Trump stormed out of the courthouse yesterday because he really thought that his lawyers request for the judge to dismiss the case was going to happen. I honestly don't think that Trump's lawyers have told him that he’s already lost the case.

This trial is maybe halfway finished, there are over a dozen more prosecution witnesses yet to be called, this trial may go on for weeks.

Trumps lawyers only tell him what he wants to hear. Watch out for more gag order violations when Trump finds out he’s lost.