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08/30/01 4:12 PM

#12106 RE: Francois+Goelo #12101

FG...if you use a sampling of 12 secureviews your results will be erroneous. Statistics 101 dictates that at least 30 of any count is needed to be close and even more is needed to properly calculate a reasonable standard deviation. Your law suit will be sadly lacking without a solid sample.

Rich was obviously misled prior to announcing that Arch was OK.

I don't think Mcbride is squeeky clean nor do I believe my "head is in the sand". I also think that if the SEC had thought anything was "shaddy" they would have halted trading as they have on many cases. Also I believe there are alot of other issues at hand and SEVU is far better off today than a year ago (share price excepted). All longs had to give in to dilution to get secureview to this point. Things are now starting to happen as forecasted. A little more dilution I can accept. An increase of 50% of shares I can understand.

I have never asked you to withhold information so I will feel better and recent the fact that you would insinuate such an idea. It is statements like that that prove my point. I have constantly been posting good with bad and as you know when I was director of this thread was an equal opportunity post remover.

I will not continue our little battle here as others (I am sure) are tired of this.