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10/23/23 1:12 PM

#131751 RE: bio33 #131749

SBF should go down, however, others (BANKS) were also involved in this FTX debacle. The powers that be skip that part though because they want to make an example of SBF. What happened to Credit Suisse and CDEL's involvement?

Make a scapegoat out of Sammy boy. the other moving parts get overlooked. There were articles written about these other moving parts involvement, and it was documented. Did they all disappear or is this a form of protection?

SBF deserves what he gets but he had help. Plenty of help. Let us find the who helped SBF in perpetrating this FTX debacle.
Send them all to prison. My opinion.

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10/23/23 1:54 PM

#131756 RE: bio33 #131749

In other articles they had mentioned they were not going to involve the political donations in this case. Maybe complicate things more or maybe that would be a different case or just protecting those involved (for now). Either way I would love to see what happens to them. Maybe money laundering of Ukraine aide monies??

I'm sure it runs deep....

All tracks are / or get covered with the simple phrase , "that's a conspiracy theory"....