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Dragon Lady

10/24/23 9:49 AM

#65558 RE: Elois68 #65548


Criminal Conspiracy?
Kim Moore, Mattyboy Moore and Gabe Sayegh?
and old Mark, the already convicted, no wait he admitted it didn't he, fraudster sits in the granite club working his wife and son like puppets.
Mark clearly doesn't care about his children or grandchildren, or wife. He seems to just let them line themselves up to take the fall.

Hey Kim -- FINANCIAL CRIMES! If you don't know what they are, then look them up!!

Yes- THERE WILL BE INDICTMENTS for the level of pure gutter FRAUD and SECURITIES FRAUD and CRIMINAL FRAUD the Moore-more CLAN have committed....not even debatable any longer.......

GONNER - ANOTHER CIVIL LAWSUIT "BEING FILED" as we speak....Adam Shennib (whatever the hell his name is) has realized HE GOT DUPED also by the criminal Moore-More CLAN and is going to "try" and get HIS company back, WTF is left of the now destroyed sorry state of affairs....

The CLAN is "AS we speak now being buried in CIVIL LAWSUITS" by the numerous people/firms they "STIFFED" and that will lay ground work for the criminal convictions to come....I speak almost daily now with securities regulators about the MOORE CLAN and they are 100% for certain under criminal investigation for a plethora of blatant criminal activities ....same as in their dirty as a road-side truck stop gas station toilet seat past....

Mark Moore More aka THE DON is going to chuck Matty Boy aka THE PUNK under the proverbial bus - and that PUNK will live out whatever is left of his sorry life with a criminal record and will be lucky to flip burgers after that....he'll be more toxic than Plutonium....

Momma Moore More - she's gonna be popped as she play-acted as "CFO"" for a known criminal fraud and will be lucky to be living in a Van down by the river and turning tricks for $5 bucks to be able to eat and feed her booze habit....LMAO !!!

Ya see kids - the Moore More CLAN are textbook criminal's just that's really all anyone and any BAGHOLDER OR DUPE needs to know.....

LAWSUITS LAWSUITS LAWSUITS and a BUSTED ASS BROKE "COMPANY" of THREE EX-CONS busted by the CA AG aka Kamala Harris - and you got a BK IN THE MAKING HERE....probably before 2023 even ends in December.....they're in the hurt locker now and the walls are closing down on the Moore-More CLAN....rapidly.....

Matt is angry someone filmed him without permission, yet he doesn't address WHY they had to film him. They filmed him because he was scamming the INND-6 (SIX un-paid employee stiffs FINALLY had to sue the Moore clan to try and get paid = the CLAN will 100% for certain FILE BK !!) and others out of pay. They filmed him in order to make him accountable. Narcissists like Matt and Mark hate that kind of thing.

Kuriloff tried to work with Matt but was forced to go to court. The un-paid "INND-6" tried to communicate with Matt but was forced to go to court. The eviction notice people sent Matt multiple letters but was forced to go to court. And now Shennib has jumped ship and left on bad terms.

At what point do the Moores realize they are the problem?

Bankruptcy meter is now 90% by the end of the year.

Oh....and ANTHONY CABRESE aka PLATINUM PLAYER 421 aka Wamu-voodoo aka TOO MANY FAKE ALIASES TO COUNT and Matty Boy's NUMERO UNO PUMP CON CLOWN besides CLOWN KING - BOTH will also be indicted for CRIMINAL NON DISCLOSING SECURITIES FRAUD "PROMOTION" of a known crime we have that to look forward to also - GET POPCORN as it's going to get REAL GOOD and REAL FAST here boys n girls....I'm NEVER WRONG and have shut down more fraud tickers than one can count now.....proud to do charge for any dupe or bagholder....:)))



Matty boy aka THE PUNK - he's back AGAIN now running KIOSK-a-CON LMFAO WTF !!!

You know - the "ONE THOUSAND PLUS KIOSKS" that he's pumped more times than his fave blow-up doll and that NEVER ever ever ever actually materialize. NOW even setting up cons like putting photo-shop "RITE AID " and crap on the scam photos of SOME BULLSHIT WOOD CRATES parked at JOE'S WAREHOUSE IN BUM-F NJ which are used for selling as scrap firewood or shipping rubber dog shit to Hong Kong LOL !!

SOUND FAMILIAR Bwaaaa ha ha ha ha WTF MATTY BOY ??????

- ALL being regurged how many many many times since the 2021 P&D of Feb started ???

This is like KIOSK PUMP-a-CON TWATTER FRAUD NUMBER FIVE AT LEAST - same broken LYING SACK OF CRAP PUMP from the Moore More clan and MATTY BOY aka THE PUNK....alll the same...replay vomit spin cycle of crap.....
Matty and the Moore More clan are cons boys n girls - aka serial liars. Frauds. Common prior indicted criminals. Scammers. Scum bags. Led by Daddy Mark Moore More aka The Don aka The Con Master for puppet boy Matty aka The Punk.

Your post is right on, especially on only being a PARTIAL list. The list of lies, exaggerations and misleading statements are too long to document in one post.

2022 was a Huuuuuge yr for INNER-CON BIG LIES - and even as far back as 2021 when this P&D scam was re-lit, Matty Boy aka THE PUNK aka THE PROP aka THE TALKING PUPPET for daddy was on a LYING PENNY CON PUMP ROLL like a jabber box hyped up on the pipe...

I'll do a "PARTIAL LIST" of the INNER-CON BIG LIE REPLAY SPIN SERIES - and I'm sure others can add a hell of a lot more Moore to it :))

1) The 2021 Greasy Haired Cousin Eddie VIDEO PUMP SCAM "SERIES" on U-TUBE where MATTY BOY aka THE PUNK stated, "WE WILL SEC FILE IMMINENTLY AND THE BE OTC QB ASAP" blah blah blah. They WITHIN DAYS filed a SEC 15-12g to NEVER NEED TO SEC FILE AGAIN - just be MS WORD DOC Momma Moore More aka THE EASY BAKE OVEN LADY book-cooker filings for this smoke n mirrors share printing dilution mill.

I will replay/re-spin the collector series GREASY HAIRED COUSIN EDDIE VIDEO BELOW - it's in the INNER-CON all time hit series rotation vault of the BIG CON collection now - soon to be out on VHS TAPE (Stock symbol INND - did we mention that LMAO !!)

2) The WE HIRED A SHIT HOT NEW HELPER/CPA in our "Accounting department" aka broom closet near the "REPAIR DEPARTMENT" aka the hallway with all the power strip plugs and China junk returns (all 10 of them) plugged in as reviewed by paid PUMP MASTER CROWN KING who MATTY BOY aka THE PUNK flew out to "headquarters" as part of their PAID TO PUMP TWATTER CAMPAIGN to suck-in the marks and dupes

3) The WE WILL BE HIRING A NEW and REAL LIFE "CFO" before 2022 comes to an end - NEVER HEARD ABOUT AGAIN and MOMMA MOORE MORE aka THE EASY BAKE OVEN LADY is signing as faux "CFO" on the UN-AUDITED WORTHLESS SEC 10-Q FILINGS being peddled as "WE ARE GETTING AUDITED" when ALL IT TAKES to put out a lousy ass 10-Q is a CPA firm IF IF IF their OTC prior "alternative filings" were worth the paper Momma Moore More printed them on in the kitchen - which explains all one needs to know LMAO !!

4) WE WILL BE SEC FILERS and ON THE OTC-QB - just pick how far one wants to go back on that MASSIVE BIG LIE as it started AT LEAST as early as Jan/Feb 2021 and has NEVER STOPPED BEING PUMPED n LIED ABOUT by Matty Boy aka THE PUNK ever since and yet NEVER HAS EVEN REMOTELY COME TRUE - while BILLIONS of trash shares have been printed and issued WTF !!

5) THE "BJ WHOLESALE BIG DEAL" and "WE WILL HAVE A JOINT PR WITH A FORTUNE 500 MASSIVE NAMED COMPANY" blah blah blah - NEVER happened and never will happen. Just more Moore .com website WE DON'T SELL JACK SHIT level un-sales from these 2-bit OTC cons n scammers

6) The "AUDITS TAKE YEARS" you know, cause they be slow due to gettin them "NUMBERS TO MATCH" a blah blah blah - when churning out Un-AUDITED 10-Q's when this POS SCAM did less "business" and had less "sales" than my neighbor's kid selling ANIME CRAP ON E-BAY LMAO WTF MATTY BOY ????
Should take HOURS for any semi-competent and real CPA firm to crank out a 10-Q for the INNER-CON DEAD YRS aka EVERY YR and EVERY QTR TO NOW - this POS SCAM sells less crap than mom n pops real businesses do in a week :))

7) The "COVID CAUSED IT ALL" - - yeah, it was that pesky COVID when this POS SCAM hadn't sold jack-shit BEFORE COVID and they STILL do not sell JACK SHIT AFTER COVID WTF MATTY BOY the lying PUNK !!


9) The "WE ARE FDA CERTIFIED AND READY TO GO THE INSTANT THAT THERE DUNN FDA OTC LAW HITS" blah blah blah - ALL A GIANT LIE and CON and then Matty boy aka THE PUNK aka THE SMURF aka THE DIPSHIT KID had to run a NEW CON and NEW PUMP of "Oh oh oh, we dunn got on as a sort of distributor partner to this land of Oz New-hears gig thingy as THEY have FDA APPROVALS and so we can piggy back our CHINA ALIBABA INC CRAP ONTO THEIR FDA CERTS sort of maybe kinda - as we ain't got jack shit that is FDA 510K approved or even USA GARBAGE ASSOCIATION APPROVED" blah blah - MASSIVE fraud on that con n scam BIG LIE !!

10) I'll make my "short list" TEN BIG LIES - but it's probably 10X that easy - the "WE HAVE ALL NEW FINANCING NOW and it's NON DILUTIVE and NO MORE TOXIC DEBT" blah blah blah - THEE GRAND POO BA LIE OF LIES from the Moore More clan and the one that can be used to put these cons in the legal hurt locker more than any other single item . My "guess" and I'm still in the discovery/investigative phase is these 2-bit hacks maintain NO D&O insurance and thus are not even worth a civil securities lawsuit as they are BROKE as a "corporation" and ALL the cash gets siphoned off to the GRANITE BAY COUNTRY CLUB MILLER HIGH LIFE FUND and "other" hiding places.

THAT is the short list folks - now a GOLDEN MOLDY RE-PLAY SPIN OF GREASY HAIRED COUSIN EDDIE aka PALE FACE and MATTY THE TALKING PUPPET (daddy has his hand shoved up his ass to make his lips move as the PUNK pretends to talk) - watch and enjoy LIE after LIE after PUMP after LIE ad nauseum vomit level series -


Twoooo long LYING and BIG PUMP FRAUD YEAR'S AGO - and NONE of the bullshit they peddled came remotely true LMFAO !!

6:33 mark....the BIG BIG BIG BIG LIE "WE WILL SEC FILE IMMINENTLY" and "BLAME THAT THERE COVID" blah blah - within DAYS they filed a SEC 15-12g to de-register and NEVER "SEC FILE" EVER AGAIN Bwaaaa ha ha ha LIES and BIGGER LIES :))

He was "WORKING WITH THEIR AUDITORS" (SOUND familiar boys n girls ???) - that was TWO YRS AGO "FULLY CURRENT END OF MARCH" aka 2021 WTF MATTY BOY the babbling SPAZ LYING PUMP CLOWN and total FRAUD !!!

AND here's a bonus video - just to show how early it was when folks KNEW this clown car show was a BIG OTC CON and nothing else - the MOORE MORE CLAN all a ruse, all a smoke n mirrors machine and ALL pure deception to SELL DILUTION their only real "product" they sell and peddle :))


EVERYWHERE MATTY BOY APPEARS aka FAKE "TV SHOWS" and fake "INTERVIEWS" and blah blah blah is ALWAYS TO PUMP THE STOCK (NOT to "sell hearing aids") and KEEP THE VOLUME UP in order to DUMP THE DILUTION TRASH on never ending new marks n's ALL FRAUD kids...gutter level fraud....MOORE MORE CLAN....


Dragon Lady

10/24/23 10:39 AM

#65560 RE: Elois68 #65548


Folks MUST CONTACT "WALMART CORPORATE" and expose this CRIME SCENE such that WALMART DUMPS THIS SCAM "JUST DO IT FOLKS" as in a email or a few phone calls etc.....

LET WALMART KNOW OF ALL LAWSUITS and of SECURITIES FRAUD aka "YOUR SUPPLIER INNERSCOPE IS A PENNY STOCK FRAUD SCHEME" and "INNERSCOPE as in ALL THREE OWNER-INSIDER MGT ARE CONVICTED CONS by then CA AG Kamala Harris for WHITE COLLAR CRIME(s) against the elderly and WERE CONVICTED" and tell Walmart IF YOU DO NOT DROP THESE CONS we will mount a VERY PUBLIC PR CAMPAIGN EXPOSING YOU and that you let INNER-SCAM dupe elderly and low income people into buying WORTHLESS HEARING AIDS....same as they've done for a decade or more Moore !!

DO IT FOLKS - it must be done to finally bury the MOORE MORE CLAN of 3 criminals....shut them down for good.....

Also - try and contact newspapers and news folks who cover "Elder fraud" or "PENNY STOCK SCAMS"....aka the "business reporters" or "Consumer protection reporters".... etc-
EVEN A SMALL LOCAL NEWSPAPER "Picking up the story" that a sorted penny stock of a CRIME CLAN FAMILY is peddling dog shit HEARING AIDS of all things...... into Walmart will 100% FOR SURE "Get picked up by the wires" and BAM BAM then a Washington Post or similar sized paper will TAKE IT OFF THE AP WIRES AND "RUN IT NATIONAL" and the Moore More clan will be gonners....over and done gonners and likely even get a Congressional investigation for ELDER FRAUD mixed with PENNY CON SECURITIES FRAUD via use of mega giant WALMART !!,assign%20for%20investigation%20where%20appropriate.


"Frequently Asked Questions

An ethics concern is one that involves alleged behaviors or business practices that are inconsistent with one or more of the sections of the Code of Conduct, such as sexual harassment, insider trading, and theft. If you see, suspect, or are told about an activity that violates our Code, compliance policies, Walmart’s Standards for Suppliers, or the law, you must report it to either your manager, People Lead, Ethics & Compliance, or Legal so that the concern can be reviewed and handled appropriately.



....and their SCAM-o-MATIC CHINA SHIT FRAUD "HEARING AIDS" and failure to pay their own employees and RIP OFF OF ELDERS as proven via being indicted by Kamala Harris the now sitting VP of these United States and on and on and on....OLD WWII VETS + Catholic nuns they stole from to fund the GRANITE BAY COUNTY CLUB MOORE CLAN CRIB and CRIME CONTROL CENTRAL....time to take ALL of it away from this serial con crime family and end them once and for all.....CLUB FED + civil fines to bury them to BK and a "Van down by the river" lifestyle for perpetuity....

Personally - I'm waiting for Matty Boy's aka THE PUNK his wife to FILE DIVORCE and flee this flaming hunk of shit wreckage and salvage HER LIFE and those of her children from the MOORE MORE CRIME did she get duped and screwed on this raw deal...holy hell.....!!!!!

Kamala D. Harris now VP OF USA busted these ass clowns aka The MOORE MORE CLAN - so DO NOT THINK FOR A SECOND a "NEWSPAPER" won't want to see WTF this criminal CLAN OF THREE is doing 1000X their PRIOR CRIMES IN SPADES......bigly !!!!