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10/20/23 12:16 PM

#15923 RE: yman #15922


"Several years ago there was an SEC investigation/inquiry into NNLX that resulted in nothing but months of wasted time and found to have been unjustified. Could the ant man have been the complaining source? Here we go again. Some will do anything to destroy what little is left of the co."

And what is their excuse on the other stuff and ALL those other years ?


10/20/23 12:39 PM

#15924 RE: yman #15922

We Did not believe..... ??

Either they knew or didn't, don't they have lawyers they could ask so they would KNOW ? But for whatever reason they used those words....interesting....

"Oct. 28, 2020

Narrative of Some Issues Faced By NanoLogix Since May Announcement of Rapid COVID19 test

Issues are Resolved and NanoLogix Is Proceeding with Technology Development and Awaiting the Allowed Patent Issuance

Appreciation to Congressman Tim Ryan for his Interest and Assistance in Resolution

NanoLogix is presenting this narrative to illustrate the unusual and unanticipated challenges that were presented to the Company beginning immediately after our announcement of the invention and the initial results for a rapid viral detection test technology applicable to COVID-19 and other viruses.

Within a few days of our May 3rd announcement covering this news, we were reported by an unknown party or parties to FINRA, the FDA, and the SEC.

During the course of these events, and until their resolution, we did not believe we could approach investors for funding necessary for the further development of the technology. Nor could we seek development partners until this "Matter" was resolved. NanoLogix was delayed and blocked for approximately five months until the resolution of the "Matter" with no action recommended.


10/22/23 6:23 AM

#15935 RE: yman #15922

Check out the math...

From if they get simple math wrong....could their " we did not believe" be wrong ?

From June 11 update

In addition, NanoLogix is, and has been, in talks with multiple diagnostic and financial companies regarding development and potential partnering for use of the Rapid Viral Assay against the COVID-19 virus.

So at June 11 still talking to others, and "matter" closed Oct 8, less than 4 months not 5 months. Seems the math is wrong. I wonder did anyone else see this ? They did have something going on during that time so was it a total waste during those months ?

Aug. 7, 2020

NanoLogix Sub 1-Hour Covid-19 Detection Test Further Developments – NanoLogix Begins Collaborative Efforts With Diagnostic Company and an Independent Laboratory

NanoLogix announces it has begun working with two entities to refine and further develop its patent-pending Rapid Viral Assay for COVID19 and other viruses. One is a West Coast diagnostic company and the other a long-established independent Houston laboratory.

Oct 28

Then, we hear...."""During the course of these events, and until their resolution, we did not believe we could approach investors for funding necessary for the further development of the technology. Nor could we seek development partners until this “Matter” was resolved. NanoLogix was delayed and blocked for approximately five months until the resolution of the “Matter” with no action recommended.

After a NanoLogix email requesting information an update on the status on the afternoon of October 7th, on the morning of October 8th, NanoLogix received an email from a senior SEC officer in Chicago informing the Company that the “Matter” had been closed with no action to be taken on the part of the SEC.


10/22/23 6:51 PM

#15938 RE: yman #15922

Here is all that wasted time...

Thursday, 10/29/20 11:04:03 AM

Narrative of Some Issues Faced By NanoLogix Since May Announcement of Rapid COVID19 test

Issues are Resolved and NanoLogix Is Proceeding with Technology Development and Awaiting the Allowed Patent Issuance

Appreciation to Congressman Tim Ryan for his Interest and Assistance in Resolution

NanoLogix is presenting this narrative to illustrate the unusual and unanticipated challenges that were presented to the Company beginning immediately after our announcement of the invention and the initial results for a rapid viral detection test technology applicable to COVID-19 and other viruses.

Within a few days of our May 3rd announcement covering this news, we were reported by an unknown party or parties to FINRA, the FDA, and the SEC.

During the course of these events, and until their resolution, we did not believe we could approach investors for funding necessary for the further development of the technology. Nor could we seek development partners until this "Matter" was resolved. NanoLogix was delayed and blocked for approximately five months until the resolution of the "Matter" with no action recommended. ( Interesting I don't see this on the website anymore)

So this happen a fews days of that May 3...

lets see what other releases say during those months...

Oct. 5, 2020

NanoLogix Covid-19 Detection Test Update – Partial Funding received from NanoLogix Directors Options Exercise

NanoLogix has enlisted the services of a company with an advanced diagnostic platform that can deliver lab-quality results at point-of-care (POC). That company will perform an initial feasibility assessment of our COVID-19 viral assay on their rapid POC system. Partial funding for the first phase of the feasibility assessment is being provided through NanoLogix Director and Chief Medical Officer Dr. Jonathan Faro and Director Dr. Sebastian Faro exercise of options for 3 million shares. Those exercised shares are restricted from trading for a period of one year from issuance

The Directors' action reflects their belief in the NanoLogix rapid viral detection technology and its potential. ( I wonder if they believe in it now ?)

Independent laboratory work in Houston on a separate phase and aspect of the testing technology will begin after initial results from the above-mentioned work.

Aug. 7, 2020

NanoLogix Sub 1-Hour Covid-19 Detection Test Further Developments – NanoLogix Begins Collaborative Efforts With Diagnostic Company and an Independent Laboratory

NanoLogix announces it has begun working with two entities to refine and further develop its patent-pending Rapid Viral Assay for COVID19 and other viruses. One is a West Coast diagnostic company and the other a long-established independent Houston laboratory.

The overall intent of this work is to obtain results to enable a detailed submission of those results to the US FDA for the purpose of receiving an Emergency Use Authorization, enabling use of the technology as a Point of Care (POC) rapid test. Secondary benefits should be publication of the resulting data in the form of at least two peer-reviewed science/medical journal papers. Grant applications are anticipated by at least one of the partners to the work. The projections for the timeline for the work range from one+ month for the independent laboratory to more than three months for the diagnostic company.

While we have achieved results in less than one hour with our own laboratory work, indications from one of the entities are that the test can potentially be streamlined to the point where results may be obtained in as little as twenty minutes in a form that makes the test more user and consumer friendly. This projected ease of use positions the assay for potential home use if and when it is approved by the FDA.

NanoLogix has entered into mutual confidentiality agreements with both involved groups. We faithfully respect those agreements as essential to the success of business and technology development. In the past, when we have released information mentioning arrangements with others, such as the US EPA, the University of Texas Health Science Center in Houston, Battelle Biomedical research Center, and individuals recently employed or otherwise associated with NanoLogix, those groups began receiving calls and contacts from persons identifying themselves as shareholders of NanoLogix. The calls ranged from in subject from simple curiousity to demands to reveal the nature of the technology development and business relationship with NanoLogix. The effects were potentially damaging to NanoLogix and its interests, to include investors. We will not release further information regarding the recent associations until all parties are prepared to do so.

June 11, 2020

Sub-1-Hour Covid-19 Detection Technology Patent Pending Update

NanoLogix is pleased to announce we have received a notification, dated 06/03/20, from the US Patent and Trademark Office stating the application has been granted Prioritized Status under the new COVID-19 Prioritized Examination Pilot Program.


The above-identified application has met the requirements for prioritized examination

A. For an original nonprovisional application (Track I).

2. The above-identified application will undergo prioritized examination. The application will be accorded special status throughout its entire course of prosecution..."

The significance of the USPTO granting of Prioritized Status is that the evaluation of the patent application under the new COVID-19 Prioritized Examination Pilot Program has been completed and the application has been accepted into the program. This Program has been initiated by the USPTO as a response to the Pandemic Crisis. We suggest readers access the USPTO and Federal Register link at the bottom of this update in order to fully understand the significance of the program.

In addition, NanoLogix is, and has been, in talks with multiple diagnostic and financial companies regarding development and potential partnering for use of the Rapid Viral Assay against the COVID-19 virus.

June 3, 2020

NanoLogix Seeks Development & Marketing Partner for Their Sub 1-Hour COVID-19 Detection Tests

HUBBARD, Ohio, June 3, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- NanoLogix, Inc. (OTC: NNLX), an innovator in the rapid detection and identification of viruses and bacteria, is seeking a partner or partners for obtaining FDA Emergency Use Authorization, if required, and for development and marketing of their sub 1-hour COVID-19 Point of Care modified-ELISA detection test. This Rapid Viral Assay can also be configured for other viruses, such as, but not limited to, HIV, HPV, Hepatitis, MERS, and SARS-1. A Home-Test version of the COVID-19 test has the potential of 30-minute results using a nasopharyngeal swab or saliva samples.

CEO Bret Barnhizer stated: "NanoLogix does not possess the scale of production or marketing required for this essential test distribution for COVID-19. We cannot expand rapidly enough to meet the immediate need for testing. We have entered into Confidentiality Agreements with two diagnostic and financial groups in the last week for this purpose and are inviting additional interest."

Jonathan Faro, MD, PhD., Chief Medical Officer stated: "We are extremely excited over this technology development. It is a novel approach in diagnostics that provides a solution to the inherent problems with false positives and false negatives present in those tests currently being used in the war against COVID-19."

May 31, 2020

NanoLogix and COVID-19 Testing News

Realizing that many of our shareholders are from areas where they may not be aware of news coverage of NanoLogix developments, the Company is pleased to present the following links to articles written and interviews done during the month of May.

Warren Tribune:

Youngstown Vindicator:

Youngstown Vindicator:

Channel 27 (CBS) Youngstown:

Fox News 13 Tampa:

The Youngstown Vindicator is now published by the Warren Tribune, so while we link to one example, duplicate articles can be found for the same dates for both newspapers.

May 29, 2020

NanoLogix Rolls Out New Website With COVID-19 Testing Information

NanoLogix is pleased to announce their new website at In visiting the website, please take note of the new PowerPoint titled: "Testing for COVID-19: Why current testing strategies don’t work" authored by Jonathan Faro, MD, PhD., and James Rogers, PhD., clearly presenting the reasons why the new NanoLogix COVID-19 detection technology is essential.

The Company is in the process of increasing its filled Petri plates product offerings with revised pricing on the Purchase Page so those pages are listed as under construction. That status will end in a few days and anyone currently needing to order can contact the Company directly. We continue to accept orders via email and phone.

May 18, 2020

NanoLogix Sub 1-Hour Covid-19 Detection Test Now Patent-Pending – Patent Application Filed Under New COVID-19 Prioritized Examination Pilot Program

NanoLogix is pleased to announce the filing of a patent application for use in the rapid testing for the Covid-19 virus. The application was filed under a new program instituted May 14th by the US Patent and Trademark Office. Now that Patent-Pending status has been obtained, we can reveal aspects of the technology that we were unable to mention in a prior update.

This Rapid Viral Assay is a modified ELISA technology that is not the same as our N-Assay modified ELISA.

While the initial focus for development was for the COVID-19 virus, it became obvious that the technology is not limited to one virus, but can be configured for many different viruses, such as HIV, HPV, Hepatitis, MERS, SARS-1 and others. As per the patent filing, the description is "Without Limitation".

An additional aspect of the test is that for the Home-Test configuration, we anticipate the potential of 30-minute results using a nasopharyngeal swab sample or saliva.

Jonathan Faro, MD, PhD., our Chief Medical Officer stated "We are extremely excited over this technology development, as it is a novel approach in diagnostics that provides a solution to the inherent problems with false positives and false negatives present in those tests currently being used in the war against COVID-19."

The US Patent Office program under which the filing was done can be accessed through the following link: