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10/19/23 6:52 PM

#268517 RE: Deannie #268516

Moving goal posts from FOMO to AF I see. Looks like you blithely missed your own investment BS. LOL
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10/19/23 7:41 PM

#268518 RE: Deannie #268516

if AF announces a move by late December,

It won't. Even IR says anything from the AF before next summer is too much to hope for. That's despite some here positing the bizarre theory that somehow the Notre Dame transfers are AF related. LMAO!!! What's more likely is that When Fraser retired ND told his staff to take a hike, and he turned them on to the Kraig Labs gravy train.
Even so I guess there's a lot of new brain waves flying around the lab now. Maybe in there somewhere and idea on how to create a hearty silkworm will emerge. Either that or they'll be at each other's throats by the end of Q2.
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10/19/23 8:58 PM

#268519 RE: Deannie #268516

"This board is about KBLB and there’s virtually nothing good to look forward to"

yet here you are...there are many stocks i dont think are good and thats why im not there....i will post on the boards of stocks that i own, trade or believe dont believe in kblb but cant seem to stay away...thats not a sign of

"With KBLB not panning out, your venom, though tired and predictable"

you keep wanting to pretend im talking about kblb when in fact, im talking about YOU...

"But you’re correct about one thing, I don’t think Kim’s capable of getting it done"

no shit sherlock...i know you think that...thats what im posting about....SMH

"I believe my own words AND I’m not lying."

you think kim is scamming everyone and will never have success...but you own being here is either ignorance or lying...

"Sure, $600 means nothing in the context of my investments but why throw away the slim chance of potentially making $600"

i highly doubt are holding shares because of the very slim chance you could make $600...even though that amount is virtually meaningless? but contradictions from you...nothing you say makes any sense...

"the luxury of indulging in the foolishness of a tiny KBLB position"

foolishly investing in stock you believe is a scam is a luxury?...sorry...that just sounds plain stupid...

"the rabid emotions clouding your judgement."

you are investing in a company you dont believe in, think is a scam run by a crook and has no chance of succeeding...but its MY judgement that is clouded??....LMAO!

"I didn’t think any was needed"

well you keep whining about me trying to tell you to leave when i have NEVER done any such thing...i question the foolishness of you being here for sure...

"has proven to reduce the stress and tension one would have from maintaining an outsized KBLB position."

how many shares do i have sweetie?...

" I’ll tune in again around Thanksgiving."

you might find yourself here much sooner than that...if you have the guts...
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10/20/23 7:21 AM

#268524 RE: Deannie #268516

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10/20/23 9:28 AM

#268528 RE: Deannie #268516

Proven time and again that the TRUTH hurts; in varying degrees.

Classic "dish it out but can't take it" syndrome.

C'est la vie.

Someone’s awfully touchy (and it’s not me).