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10/14/23 3:46 PM

#453520 RE: brooklyn13 #453511

brooklyn13, Voice referendum: factchecking the seven biggest pieces of misinformation pushed by the no side

Australia Must Finally Listen to Its Indigenous People
" -- How a soap opera star pushed
a conspiracy theory linking the Voice to Parliament to a UN takeover

Today is the day. For Yes to succeed there must be a double majority. A majority of people must vote yes. A majority of states must back the Yes vote. All polls suggest No will win, which will be a loss for Australia. And which will sadly provide evidence for what i have said for years, that if there were as many blacks proportionally in Australia as there are in America there would likely be about as much racism.

I have more that a few times stated my position as above, yet you still now sarcastically say

"Fucking Zionists strike again:", and pompously add ""He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone""

If you have to win so frantically sorely you oughta be elsewhere. This is no contest. And as F6 used to say "This is no game."