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10/13/23 12:27 PM

#453452 RE: brooklyn13 #453451

You ain't shaking my tree Jack. We went down this path months ago and my discussion window is currently closed. I do not support what Hamas has done, in fact I condemn it and it's not like Israel was just sitting around minding their own business either. You know damn well that a million people cannot just pick up and leave their homes overnight so the warning rings very hollow. If Israel gave two rubs about the Gazans they wouldn't have penned them up and cut them off from the rest of the world for the past two decades, so there's plenty of blame to go around here and I'm not choosing a side.

I have no dog in this fight but if Hezbollah decides to go all in, I'm afraid our military will get sucked right in as well and the whole of the Middle East will unravel again.

We already have ships stationed at the ready, its getting really tense and that's what I'm definitely not a fan of.

I also live in a community that people call "Little Palestine" so I'm very afraid for my fellow citizens as they try to go about their daily lives. They are no fans of Hamas either and are not out protesting like these clowns at the colleges are but they still have their head on a swivel. There is a very large Mosque here that had its membership get dragged through the weeds after 9/11 and I don't want to ever see that happen again.

Just glad we don't have insane local representatives like you do.....