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10/12/23 12:12 PM

#453397 RE: brooklyn13 #453395

Did I call you any names?


10/12/23 12:24 PM

#453399 RE: brooklyn13 #453395

Actually, I'm a proponent of a two state solution. I think that all along, if Israel had, for example, built factories in the territories and employed Palestinians, a lot of the troubles could have been forestalled. I'm more into soft power than whatever you think I'm into, exchange students, cultural exchanges, and other ways for people to get to know "the other".

Yes. And that makes sense... I do not think a movement like Hamas could have taken root if the needs of the population had been addressed.

But Israel has no interest in that. Some do. There are pacifists and fair minded people.. There's ICAHD,and Peace Now... and their like. But they don't hold sway. The settlers and the zealots do. Little by little they're swallowing the territories, taking the hilltops, the land and the water and murdering anyone who gets in their way. It has been their intention since David Ben-Gurion's tenure, long before Sharon or Bibi. It hasn't changed.

Former Prime Minister of Israel Ariel Sharon said in 1973: “We’ll make a pastrami sandwich of them. We’ll insert a strip of Jewish settlement in between the Palestinians and another strip of Jewish settlement right across the West Bank so that in 25 years’ time neither the U.N. nor the U.S., nobody will be able to tear it apart.” Again, in 1998 shortly before being elected prime minister, Sharon wrote: “Everyone has to move, run and grab as many hilltops as they can to enlarge the settlements because everything we take now will stay ours … Everything we don’t grab will go to them.”

So here we are...