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10/06/23 7:32 AM

#268121 RE: ImjinBridger #268118

People like him bridge can’t handle the truth which makes me believe these guys are paid cheerleaders for the company….


10/06/23 12:08 PM

#268140 RE: ImjinBridger #268118

“So, they've been adapting for FOUR YEARS and still can't produce.”

Have you read the PRs released this year? What does “remain on schedule” mean to you? They have not reported commercial production yet but remain on schedule. Why would we assume they should have announced it by now if, by their own PRs, they have essentially told us they are not ready to announce (yet)? Because your expectations differ from the expectations the company has set with its PRs this year?

“They obviously didn't have a chance in hell of producing FOUR YEARS AGO!”

Is this back to the tainted mulberry? Do we know they wouldn’t have succeeded had the mulberry not been tainted?

I have said, repeatedly, Kim has historically been too optimistic about where the company is at. Then he had to walk it back (or say nothing until he came up with another path). Not a great look but he’s not a quitter. I appreciate that.

“That only leaves a couple of possibilities. Either they were lying, or they are idiots. I guess I hope they were lying.”

No, you have created a lose/lose “choice”. There are far more variables and possible explanations.

I know bringing never before successfully done technology to market in consistent quality and mass quantity would be easy for many here. Kim and his team have faced challenges, adjusted and kept moving forward, seeking solutions. Some here call that failure, that they are idiots, etc. Agree to disagree.

“Question is are they still lying?”

Missing deadlines and running into unforeseen challenges and setbacks do not mean anyone was lying. It means, like many others before them learned, that this ain’t easy. I believe Kim has learned his lesson and will not tell Charlie Brown to take another swing at the football before he knows he’ll get to kick that damn ball.

“We've got new management and new scientists if we reach mid-year 2024 without a product on the shelf who will they blame then?”

Walk me through the timeline, from October 2023 to June 2024, to have mass production secured, ramped up, fabrics created, weavers processing, materials to contract partners to produce designs, create garments/apparel and onto shelves. What should we reasonably expect that timeline to look like, based on your vast knowledge of launching products based on never before seen or used materials, especially materials that are not yet available in commercial quantities?

Investor’s expectations vs what the company has outlined is not the fault of the company.

Yeah, we all want to see successful production, products on shelves and revenues. The company has a plan. Many here are mad as hell and will just keep slamming their keyboards in frustration instead of pausing to have any sort of reasonable discussion. So be it.

If this doesn’t work out for some, I hear there are carnival barker openings..