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Grip it and Sip It

10/06/23 9:31 AM

#225554 RE: moneycrew #225538

The only thing coming to the light is the final demise of this scam!! How many conference calls and timelines came to pass with nothing?

Do yourself a little favor! Go back and read my posts from 2017-2020ish and tell me if I was a basher!!

Then look at the responses when I just started to question Nader and the inability to bring to the fore anything substantive! Then continue where I called out his fraud early, then the crumbling of the stock price when it was $3!

Cult members, many who still squat on this board threw barbs relentlessly, to my amusement! I sold! Flipped a couple time but made ALOT of money! Others I know that are/were very well respected on this board exited and never to be heard of again.

Fast forward three years:
FDA hold

Those that were not discerning enough to bake into their investment Nader’s unjust enrichment cases, the Pestell loss, the constant pumping and never meeting a milestone are babbling here day after day about nonsense that has nothing to do with Leronliscam! This stock is nothing more than a vehicle to enrich insiders! You want proof! Look at the friggin 10q! 500m shares wasted on legal, PR firms and salaries!

Enjoy the ride to $0.00!!! All the name calling in the world won’t stop this piece of shit stock from going to $0.00!! And if I can help one naive newbie to avoid an Amway scam, I’ve done my job!

Have a good one